SuperCollider workshop for beginners will be held on Sat. 5th July by Fredrik Olofsson.

SuperCollider is an audio programming language which is known for its beautiful sound and special functions to produce algorithmic musical events. It will be a practical and hands-on workshop focusing on quickly getting familiar with the SuperCollider environment and how to code small but very noisy programs.

Also examples of sc works will be shown by sc users.

And after the workshop we’re planning to have dinner together with Fredrik.

Brief interpretation will be given, please feel free to join us if you’re interested in.

Sat. July 5 14:00 - 17:00
at IAMAS (Gifu, Japan)
BRING your laptop and headphones
* please install SuperCollider 3.2 before. download from :

 umbrella_process 'SC and Networking' Introduce his loop sequence which can be controlled by multiple players via UDP/IP network and a performance piece with Wii remote controller.
 otophilia 'Amusing Toy box' Introduce unique ways to use supercollider.
 tn8: some music examples works with SC.

best wishes & hope to see you soon,
