This seminar will introduce the basics of realtime sound synthesis and will introduce participants to the SuperCollider language and architecture along the way. Attendees will learn about sound generators and processors as well as become acquainted with the implementation of synthesis techniques, mainly substractive and granular synthesis.


Session #01:

Introduction to the language:

Session #02

###Session #03

Notes: All participants should come with their own laptop with the latest SuperCollider version available already installed (3.5.5).

Tutor: Stefan Kersten

Stefan Kersten works as a researcher and sound artist in Barcelona, where he is pursuing a Phd at Pompeu Fabra University’s Music Technology Group. His main research interests are the synthesis and analysis of sound textures and the computational modeling of soundscapes. As a member of the col·lectives Zysk and Dissonoisex, Kersten is interested in the study of human communication strategies and also in the perceptual limits of interactive media. He is the author of the original port of SuperCollider to Linux.


Location: Fabra i Coats – Fàbrica de Creació. Sant Adrià, 20. Barcelona. Metro Sant Andreu.

Price: 90€ (or cheaper if you sign up to the whole series, look here for details)

To sign up or request further information, please send an email to i…

This activity is organized by l’ull cec with the collaboration of: OSIC, Institut de Cultura de Barcelona and Fabra Coats – Fábrica de Creació.